Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Meditation in a Toolshed

(In response to Meditation in a Toolshed by C.S. Lewis)

This paper got me thinking a little bit about perspective. I think it was a piece to move us to think more clearly about the way we think about things. I don't believe he is arguing for us to think within the light, or to think outside the light. I think he just wants us to recognize that there are different ways to see a situation and that we should try and consider these ways when we make inferences about them.

"You can step outside one experience only by stepping inside another." I think seeing something in its true light requires us to not only see it from inside (or through the light) but from the outside (looking at the light).

As was said in class. I don't believe that there is a time where you could not think rationally about a subject at hand, however, if you only look at something rationally you miss an emotional or spiritual part that is indescribable about said thing. Such as God, he is not necessarily rational, or logically proved, yet we believe in him. If we were to only look at him rationally or logically we would miss the very relationship that brings us to love Christ and allow us eternal life through him.

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