Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I can't remember the last name of our guest speaker. I believed that he conveyed a lot of life lessons to us. I truly believe that our knowledge and education is not based on the grades we receive. I believe that it is about the journey. I believe that education is there to shape and mold us into the people we should be. Yes it is important to take school work seriously, and yes we do need good grades, but when our goal is to achieve good grades that is all we have done. We have not learned anything. We have only the grades we received.

I also agreed with some of the highlights of his DCM. I also enjoyed "Learning in Wartime" and "Our English Syllabus" I thought it was a good idea to bring someone in who had gone through this class. It was nice to see where he is at in his life now, and how reading C.S. Lewis had affected his life. Hopefully we can all take something special out of our own personal experiences.

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